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Polymer concrete 

Roads, bridges and airports are areas of application for fast and permanent repairs. Emergency repairs can be carried out with our polymer concrete system within a short time, so that a quick return to service is possible after just two hours.

Plastifloor® resins are used for the productionof high-strength and low-shrinkage polymerconcretes.

Plastifloor® resins are used for the productionof high-strength and low-shrinkage polymerconcretes.

Plastifloor® resins are used for the productionof high-strength and low-shrinkage polymerconcretes.

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Plastifloor® 050/ 051 & 050F/ 051

Plastifloor® polymer concrete consists of a two-component system. The liquid Plastifloor® 050 or 050F (for frozen or permafrost areas) is a solvent-free, 100% reactive, low viscosity methyl methacrylate (MMA). The Plastifloor® 051 powder component consists of a prepackaged blend of fillers. Both components are mixed together in a mixing bucket for 3 min. and the polymer concrete is ready for use.

The application of the polymer concrete system requires minimal labor and standard concrete mixing equipment. A thin coat of primer is used to seal the existing concrete surface and increase the bond strength of the substrate.

Advantages of polymer concrete

Polymer concrete offers a wide application temperature range from 14°F to 100°F, so it is ideal for various environments and weather conditions. This concrete stands also out due to its rapid curing time. In just 45 minutes at 70°F, it achieves significant strength - with a compressive strength of 5,000 psi at 3 hours and over 9,000 psi at 24 hours, it is exceptionally robust and durable. Polymer concrete also withstands strong chemical influences, making it suitable for demanding applications where aggressive substances come into play.



Polymer concrete is also excellently suited for vibration-absorbing foundations when, for example, precision drilling or milling machines are to be installed. The polymer concrete hardens within 60 min. even at negative temperatures.

Products for polymer concrete system:

Discover the products for this system that set our polymer concrete apart from the competition. We pride ourselves on providing the highest quality products and services to meet the unique needs of our customers.

 PF 115B

Solvent-free PMMA resin for primer, sealer or scratch coat for concrete roadway panels

PF 050/051

Synthetic resin


for extremely

loaded areas

PF 050/051F

Synthetic resin

mortar-system for

extremely loaded areas, runway repairs

PF 118

Special adhesive

primer for use on

damp or new

concrete substrates

PF B101

Plastifloor® resins can

be used up to –22°F 

by adding Plastifloor® Accelerator 101

Reference & Test Certificate

PF 050/051


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